By Cherisse Young, ASF Fundraising and Marketing Director
All of us can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our lives. Wake up, walk the dog, get out the door for the day (often with kids in tow), after school carpools, grocery shopping, dinner, work out (if you are lucky), walk the dog, go to bed…repeat. It is very easy to forget to stop, take in the world around you, and remember to smile.
One of the things I love about the Adaptive Sports Foundation is it is a place where you are reminded daily of the important things in life; smiles, hugs, gratitude and pure happiness.
Erin O’Connor has been skiing at the Adaptive Sports Foundation for many years. Erin has Autism. Her world is often a very structured place of school, schedules, and routine. Although these routines bring her comfort and stability, she doesn’t necessarily get to experience that “free flowing, just hanging out play time” that most kids get. At the Adaptive Sports Foundation, she gets to play. Although it is still structured so she knows what to expect, she is able to go out and enjoy the slopes. She is able to experience the wind in her face, the wonderful sensation of sliding and enjoy the fun of skiing just like her brothers.
This past week, her mom, Eileen snapped a few pictures of Erin with her instructors before and after her lessons. These pictures capture the pure happiness and joy Erin has after her lesson and the love she has for her “green instructors.”
I am extremely fortunate to work at a place that everyday reminds me of what is important in life. Smiles, playtime and hugs…we all need it no matter how old we get.